Account Types

We offer two types of accounts (“Account Types”): Buyer and Client, on the website these are listed as freelancer and hirer accounts but for the purpose of this section will be referred to as Buyer and Client. Once you register for an Account, you can add Account Types without re-registering. You promise to register for only one Account that requires a unique log in. This Account will house all of your Account Types. Never share your Account password with anyone; you can give permissions to other Users to act under your Account Types as Team Members or Agency Members if needed.

We offer several different Account Types. Once you register for your Account (only one per User), you can add other Account Types under the same username and password. For example, if you already have a seller Account Type (defined below), you can add a Client Account Type (defined below) to your Account without re-registering. You agree not to register for or maintain more than one Account and Profile without express written permission from us.

If you create an Account as an employee or agent on behalf of a company, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to enter into binding contracts, including the Terms of Service, on behalf of yourself and the company.

More than one person can create an Account as an employee or agent on behalf of the same company.

  1. 1.1 Buyer Account

    You can register for an Account or add an Account Type to use the Services as a Buyer (a “Buyer Account”). Buyer Account Types have a feature that allows the account owner to give permissions to other Users (“Team Members”) to act on behalf of the Buyer Account. Each Team Member must have their own Account to be able to be added as a Team Member on the Buyer Account.

  2. 1.2 Seller Account

    Seller: You can register for an Account or add an Account Type to use the Services as a Seller (a “Seller Account”).